Comments on: Black Lives Matter & Hemp: Hemp Must Take A Stand For Justice America's leading advocate for hemp Thu, 13 Aug 2020 11:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neels de Bruin Thu, 13 Aug 2020 11:00:32 +0000 Kit O’Connell,
Although black lives do indeed matter, facts prove that the majority of black lives do not really matter to the #BLM movement. Why else would #BLM keep quiet about the vast majority of murders on black people, i.e. those committed by other black people? They focus only on a very small minority of murders on black people, namely those committed by white people. The agenda behind this is for the #BLM movement to achieve their goal of subjugating communities with a Western culture by labelling white people as scapegoats and making them feel guilty.

I am waiting for your answer.
Neels de Bruin.

By: TRUEProgressNOW Sun, 21 Jun 2020 16:41:57 +0000 I have ALWAYS opposed racism throughout my 58 years of life and will NEVER kneel for ANYone NOR ask FORGIVENESS (????) because of my SKIN color – NO race ever SHOULD; was just old enough to appreciate GENUINE (i.e., not LBJ & RMN’s SELF-aggrandizing) efforts attempted to significantly improve conditions in the Sixties – but, in NO way should ANYone doing so, support EITHER Black Lives Matter or Antifa; these are PAID, cultish factions of easily-manipulated, DEFINITIVELY psychotic zealots with ZERO emotional intelligence / EMPATHY / intellectual curiosity – not a NEW development either, or perspective regarding the importance of knowing history (NOTHING demonstrates as much MORE, than defacing Philadelphia’s Matthias Baldwin – an EARLY abolitionist – statue, microagressionally triggered by EVERY monument to a white man, REGARDLESS their character or deeds) OR lives (as evidenced by a DEVASTATING mindless rampage through African-American neighborhoods which has left them economically crippled INDEFINITELY – actually assured far MORE, lasting HEARTACHE for THEIR descendants; they’ve done IMMENSE damage to our efforts, reflect TERRIBLY on those of us TRYING to communicate THOROUGHLY desirable aspects of a far more CONSCIENTIOUS anarchistic model, FREER existence concerned with eliminating INHERENTLY abusive hardened hierarchal structures based upon AUGMENTED societal value, and providing sufficient resources (such AS widescale hemp cultivation) to ultimately become MUCH more self-supporting, as individuals AND communities…..
